Internal Family Systems (IFS), developed by Richard Schwartz in the 1980s, is a framework for understanding the mind, a therapeutic model, and a spiritual practice designed to help people heal their wounds, free themselves from their destructive impulses, and thrive as their true Self.
IFS has a few foundational insights:
IFS Chat is an AI chatbot that helps people use Internal Family Systems (IFS) to heal, grow, and thrive. IFS Chat guides people through the IFS process so that they can understand and heal the parts of them that are wounded and stuck in destructive roles. By taking on the role of an on-demand IFS therapist or coach, IFS Chat allows people to focus all of their attention internally. Doing IFS alone is otherwise difficult, as it requires one to split their attention between their internal world and the IFS process.
Yes and no. Because of costs, restrictive health care plans, lack of IFS therapists, and social stigmas among other reasons, human IFS therapy is inaccessible for most people. So for those who can't access therapy for whatever reason, IFS Chat is a better alternative to practicing IFS alone. But connecting with parts from one's true Self is crucial to the healing process of IFS. And when one has difficulty accessing their Self, the therapist's Self can connect with clients parts for them, at least until the client can access their own Self. IFS Chat does not have a Self, so while it can mimic the qualities of Self, it lacks the presence of Self that can be healing for one's parts. IFS Chat, when compared to the best IFS therapists, also lacks some of the dynamism and creativity that would be beneficial when helping those with complex trauma. For this reason, it's recommend that those with complex trauma consult with an IFS therapist before using IFS Chat.
IFS Chat is designed to help those who have painful feelings and destructive impulses that they're seeking freedom from. So IFS Chat is for those who are ready to heal and grow. But if you have complex trauma, it's recommended that you consult with an IFS therapist before using IFS Chat. And if you're struggling to access enough Self to connect with parts with curiosity and compassion, it's recommended that you spend some time working with an IFS therapist or coach until you gain more access to Self.
Starting a session with IFS Chat is easy. Just go to the custom IFS Chat GPT, then either tell IFS Chat about a part or emotion that you're feeling or want to work with, or tell IFS Chat that you want to start a session.
No, IFS Chat cannot handle emergencies or crisis situations. If you're in the midst of an emergency or crisis, please contact your local emergency services. If you think you're at risk of an emergency or crisis situation, please consult with an IFS therapist before using IFS Chat.
IFS Chat doesn't have access to your data. And OpenAI, the platform that IFS Chat runs on, isn't trained on your data. But OpenAI does store your chat history if you haven't opted out of it. See OpenAI's privacy policy for more information.
IFS Chat is now completely free!
IFS Chat was created by me, James Archer. I'm a psychotherapist-in-training and software builder who's benefited immensely from practicing IFS alone, so I wanted to help others do the same. I'd like to say too that IFS Chat would not be possible without the incredible work by the founder of IFS, Richard Schwartz, the author of Self-Therapy, Jay Earley, and the OpenAI team.